Back to News & Events March 2, 2023

February 2023 News & Updates

TPZ’s Winter Programming Is Underway

The Possible Zone’s (TPZ) Winter Term is underway and we have new afterschool students in our Discover classes where they are exploring their passions and community problems, which will soon inspire their business ideas.

Additionally, our returning students are digging more deeply in Ideate and Incubate classes where they’re prototyping their ideas in our state-of-the-art Innovation Center. Pictured to the left are some of these students who took part in a sewing workshop led by our recent Maker-in-Residence Oye Ajewole, during one of the skill-building days. Pictured below shows the iteration of a game students designed and produced–from concept, cardboard, and clay to wood and 3D-printed pieces!

Students who have been with us for more than three terms are now in our Consultancy program*–in which they work as teams to develop a strategy for a client. This term, they are tasked with developing a TikTok social media launch strategy for this season’s client: The Possible Zone! Our educators are also excited to welcome back students from Madison Park Technical Vocational High School and Margarita Muñiz Academy, who attend our programs during the school day. It’s been a great first half of our Winter Term at TPZ!

Local businesses that would like to sponsor and work with our Consult classes are invited to learn more! Email us.


Volunteer Opportunities: Make a difference in less than two hours

The Possible Zone (TPZ) partners with local professionals, entrepreneurs, and TPZ alumni who want to give back to the community. Our volunteers connect with and support students on their entrepreneurship and career journeys by providing thoughtful and compassionate feedback and sharing their own experiences. TPZ welcomes volunteers who have a passion for our mission, can commit two hours of their time, are local professional or entrepreneurs, and have experience working with high school students. Learn more about these fun and inspiring experiences. Upcoming volunteer opportunities include:

Monday, 3/6, 4:30-6:00 PM

Ideate Class Capstone Presentations
Tuesday, 3/14, 2:15-3:15 PM
Wednesday, 3/15, 4:30-6:00 PM

Entrepreneur Guest Conference
Tuesday, 3/14, 4:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, 3/15, 4:30-6:00 PM

Incubate Class Capstone Presentation
Tuesday, 3/21, 4:30-6:00 PM

Discover Class Capstone Presentation
Tuesday, 3/28, 4:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, 3/29, 4:30-6:00 PM

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Deep Diving into AI & Robotics

The Possible Zone (TPZ) staff, in partnership with MIT Media Lab’s Personal Robots team, was excited to host a Deep Dive last week for TPZ students who are curious about autonomous robots and ways artificial intelligence is used to program machines so that they become more ‘self aware.’ This vacation week Deep Dive exposed students to concepts of Reinforcement Learning and explored how humans ‘reward’ machines to learn how to navigate changing environments.

Students made robots with LittleBits and programmed the sensors with MicroBit brains. A dozen TPZ students took a deep dive in this four-day, pilot program co-led by MIT partners; David Selles, TPZ Senior Director of STEAM, Design & Educational Technology; and Emma Korolik, TPZ Senior Manager of Curriculum.

Future Deep Dives are currently being planned for vacation weeks during April and the summer.

Department Spotlight: Student Support

The Department of Student Support at The Possible Zone provides access to comprehensive and integrated services for our students and their families, such as access to community opportunities, food, clothing, health and mental health care, housing, and supportive relationships to promote student well-being and learning. Jenny Fernandez, Senior Director of Student Support, and Noryarky Vazquez, Social Worker (pictured left and right respectively), do this by intentionally leveraging and coordinating the resources and relationships available through TPZ, Boston Public Schools, and the greater community. Additionally, the team develops and implements programs and activities to enhance the quality of student experiences in a richly diverse environment that promotes student well-being. Read more about Jenny, Noryarky, and the entire TPZ Team.

TPZ to Dream It, Make It, Live It in 2023

Recently, The Possible Zone staff dug deeply into some of its 2023 goals during a one-day retreat, facilitated by Gillian Simkiss, principle at Sycamore Keys Consulting. At the conclusion of the productive day, that had team members consider the organization’s values, the tagline for year was rolled out. Dream It, Make it, Live It–conceptualized by Jacque Cummings-Furtado, Front Desk Coordinator–was the winning tagline selected from dozens of entries!