Back to News & Events February 12, 2024

Volunteers Enhance TPZ Students’ Experiences

volunteers speaking

Volunteers Enhance TPZ Students’ Experiences

Industry experts, local entrepreneurs, and community neighbors are making a difference in our classroom and Makerspace. As expert mentors and co-learners, volunteers are welcome to join in TPZ students’ journeys of innovation, growth, and collaborative learning.

Winter Term is underway and several opportunities are now available!

Tools Foundations

Students in Discover, the first class in our Entrepreneurship program, are introduced to the principles of Sewing 101; digital and graphic art through Adobe Illustrator 101; Tinkercad, and how it is used in 3D Printing 101; and connections between electronics and code using Littlebits.

Join students as an industry expert or as a co-learner. Industry experts must have experience and knowledge in the areas being taught in the classroom on that specific day, while co-learners engage and problem-solve with students to plan, participate, and learn about their questions, theories, and curiosities. No previous experience is required as a co-learner.


Support students in creating low-fidelity prototypes for their solution ideas in Ideate, or building out their prototypes in Incubate, the next two classes in our Entrepreneurship program. Volunteers will help teens stay on track to meet their selected criteria and give feedback on things like user-friendliness, overall design, and troubleshooting.

FabLab Support

Join us on Fridays to support our Makerspace Open Studio for students! We’re looking for volunteers who are able to join us on Fridays to help guide students as they explore interests in electronics, coding, music production, multimedia, game design, laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC milling, large format printing, garment & textile design, and arts & crafts. FabLab support volunteers are also invited to propose and lead workshops and multi-session projects for our students during Open Studio hours

Click here for the full list of volunteer opportunities or browse our upcoming opportunities below. If you have any questions about volunteering with us, or want to connect us with someone who might be interested, please reach out to


Students Deep Dive into AI & Robotics

Building off last year’s successful pilot, The Possible Zone (TPZ), in partnership with the Personal Robots Group (PRG) at the MIT Media Lab, will be running an exploration of reinforcement learning and robotics during the upcoming February school vacation week. Reinforcement learning is one of the techniques used to train artificial intelligent (AI) models on how to “learn.” High school students will be programming robots with TPZ and the PRG team members to navigate mazes based on the learning strategies used in reinforcement learning. The students will also spend the week not only programming their robots, but building them and exploring the ethics, professional, and social impact of AI.

The Reinforcement Learning Deep Dive is supported by MIT and The InfoSys Foundation. This experiential STEAM-focused elective has been recognized with an InfyMaker Award and grant funding which recognizes the value and ground-braking nature of this programming. The TPZ team is led by Jeff Branson, Senior Director for STEAM Education and Partnerships; David Selles, Senior Director, STEAM, Design & Educational Technology; and Simeon Lichtenstein, Northeastern University Co-op Intern and TPZ alum.


TPZ Shares Its Expertise with International Visitors

This week, the Possible Zone (TPZ) hosted a small group of international visitors who were concluding a three-week tour on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in the U.S.; TPZ was the only youth-focused program in the country they visited. The five professionals, who work in business, academia, and policy in Latvia, Italy, Croatia, and Finland, along with their U.S. hosts, met with members of the TPZ team to learn about our programming, the TPZ student journey from the Entrepreneurship classes through post high school, our academic and industry partnerships, and the technology and tools we introduce to students. The guests were inspired by the state-of-the-art Innovation Center and TPZ’s experiential learning program that strengthens students’ readiness for higher education and the Industry 4.0 workforce.

Sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State, the tour aimed to offer the visitors opportunities to: observe the effectiveness of the business sector in creating jobs and alleviating poverty; discuss societal barriers facing entrepreneurs, especially women and other disadvantaged groups, and best practices in overcoming these restrictions; and illustrate the role of governmental, non-governmental, public-private partnerships, universities, corporations, and grassroots organizations in fostering and supporting business creation and growth. The TPZ team was proud to share its expertise and to learn from and network with our European visitors.


Alumni Corner: The Pathways Initiative Seeks Healthcare Interns

The Pathway Initiative, Inc. (TPI), an innovative, community-based, non-profit medical education organization, envisions itself as a unique and socially responsible organization, which strives to support African American, Black, Hispanic, and Latinx students on their path to achieving medical education and employment. TPI aims to empower underrepresented individuals to become responsive leaders in the medical field and exemplars of under-resourced communities to address health care disparities.

through TPI are available—ideally for recent high school graduates and college students. The internship provides students with clinical exposure, training in scientific research, and key soft skills needed for academic excellence and professional development. Ideal applicants demonstrate the ability to work well independently and in small groups, are keen to learn new skills, and are curious to enquire. Recipients must commit to full attendance and participation. Space is limited and interested individuals should apply soon. TPZ alumni who apply for these opportunities should note that they were referred by TPZ and should include their resume with their application. Learn more on the TPI website.