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Zach Fredin

Senior Machining & Electronics Education Technician

Recently, he spent a summer in northern Minnesota building lattices, sculling around a lake, photographing birds, and painting his cabin. Prior to that, he was a Maker-in-Residence at TPZ, where he woke up various digital fabrication tools and used them to build blinky and beepy novelties. He holds a Master’s degree in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms and a Master’s degree in Engineering and Management from Case Western Reserve University, where he also studied materials science and engineering as an undergraduate student. His career has taken him in many interesting directions, including leading a team of instrumentation engineers to design measurement systems for the SPARC tokamak at Commonwealth Fusion Systems; planning maintenance for a 50,000 ton forging press in Grafton, MA; and starting an NSF-funded neuroscience education company based on open-source electronic kits he designed.